DigiLocker is a "digital locker" service launched by the Government of India in February 2015 to provide a secure dedicated personal electronic space for storing the documents of resident Indian citizens. The storage space (maximum 10 MB at the time of launching & now upgraded to 1GB) is linked to the Unique Identification Authority of India (Aadhaar number) of the user. The space can be utilized for storing personal documents like University certificates, Permanent account number (PAN) cards, voter id cards, etc., and the URIs of the e-documents issued by various issuer departments. There is also an associated facility for e-signingdocuments. The service is intended to minimize the use of physical documents and to provide authenticity of the e-documents. It will also provide secure access to government issued documents. It is also intended to reduce administrative expenses of government departments and agencies and to make it easy for the residents to receive services. To signup the user must possess an Aadhar Card and a mobile number linked to it(Now linking to Aadhar number is not mandatory - You just need a mobile number to create an account in Digilocker).
DigiLocker is one of the key initiatives under the Digital India Programme. This was released by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India.
- Go to DigiLocker website https://digilocker.gov.in
- Sign up for DigiLocker account with your mobile number.
- Your mobile number will be authenticated by sending an OTP (one-time password) .
- select a username & password. This will create your DigiLocker account.
- Link your Aadhaar to the DigiLocker account .
- now your digilocker account show as-
How YOU Can Get their Digital Driving License & Vehicle Registration from DigiLocker
- Go to “Pull Partner Docs” and follow the steps to fetch your digital record - Step 5: Save permanent link to your Digital RC & DL in “Issued Documents”
- 3. Workflow for getting Digital DL & RC on Desktop (screenshots follow…)
- 4. Signup for DigiLocker with your mobile
- 5. Link your Aadhaar to your DigiLocker account
- 6. Click this link to directly go & get your digital RC & DL
- 7. Select “Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Delhi” in partner dropdown
- 8. Select “Registration of Vehicles” in document dropdown
- 9. Enter the details asked for. N.B. The name is prefilled from Aadhaar data and is not editable. You can get the document only if your Aadhaar name EXACTLY matches name as in DL & RC records.
- 10. DigiLocker fetching MoRTH records in real-time
- 11. Your record is fetched. You can save a permanent link to it in your “Issued Documents” section
- 12. The link to your Digital RC is saved here. You can view the document anytime.
- 13. Digital RC
- 14. Workflow for getting Digital DL & RC on Mobile (screenshots follow…)
- 15. Download the app and go to sign up
- 16. Signup using your mobile number
- 17. Create your username & password
- 18. Click to directly get your digital RC & DL
- 19. First link your Aadhaar to DigiLocker
- 20. Complete Aadhaar linking process
- 21. After Aadhaar linking, search for Issued Documents here
- 22. Choose the document you want
- 23. Enter the reqd details & follow the steps
- 24. A permanent link to your digital RC is saved in Issued Documents Click here for mobile view Click to download PDF
- 25. Mobile Optimized View of Digital RC
- http://www.slideshare.net
Digital Locker Scheme In Hindi के इस लेख मे आप Digilocker Scheme Details, Digilocker Account, Digilocker APP\APK, Digilocker Download के बारे मे विस्तारपूर्वक जानकारी दी गई है। इसके साथ ही आपको इस लेख मे हम Digilocker Login, Digilocker Sign In Password, Digilocker Forgot Password, Digilocker Forgot Username जेसी उपयोगी विषयो के बारे मे विस्तार से जानकारी देने का प्रयत्न करेंगे। इस लेख मे आप Digilocker Driving Licence, Digilocker CBSC के बारे मे जरूरी जानकारी हांशील कर पायेंगे। इस लेख मे आप Pradhan Mantri Schemes की जानकारी भी पायेंगे। Digital Locker (Digilocker) Scheme